Saturday, July 24, 2010


suddenly this song keeps replaying in my head.

shoooz what a tiring day.
just got back from doing...
display in klcc... totally... not my job...
but what the heck... vincent is there... ^^
*SIGHS next week is his last week... URGHS*

but well, next monday... i will be making a 1 week trip back "home"

i am so going to munch the horribly delicious ice cream melting soft steak.
gosh i should so do frying pan again as well.

so much of things i need to do and wanna eat!

so excited!
so need to cut my hair as well...
now it's starting to be a damn habit to fly there every 2 months...
just to eat and cut hair...

i need more money to keep this lifestyle. ^^

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

just don't be silly, ever again.

little prince,
you promised to be strong.

so stay strong.

head held high.
and smile.

don't be silly.

Monday, July 19, 2010


so gone is the old,
and... comes came the new...

thou, regardless of how many new(s) there will be in my life,
i will always remember my first green aluminum tin can proton car...

how i trashed it...
how i... abused it...
how i... neglected it... :(
but even so, thru thick and thin,
it survived and bared with me all these those years...

... i sold it for like... a mere RM2k...
super pathetic... i couldn't even buy a LV out of it...
... my spare handphones are probably even worth more...
... i am speechless......... proton cars... are... -.- junks. haha.

countless time, others have kissed your ass...

i guess only this side, was the most... decent side of the car...

on one of my first few drives, i knock... bang... a tree while reversing, and this side mirror was smashed.
li wei was standing there, telling me to stop and i just kept going... until BANG. and we both laughed. including my dad when i told him... =.= haha.

on the way to shu er's place... years ago for chinese new year, one dumb car refused to move, so i tried to make space, went to the left and suddenly my car was stuck, yi ling then told me, omg i think u just knocked the bmw... it was those old bmw's where they had the huge out skirting... whatever it's called... anyhow... that car... suffered... zero damage... haha... but poor paris... major... for just... "touching" it... this is how... thin our proton cars are... when dad found out, he gave up for fixing the car...

this number... well strike lottery countless times... just that i never bought it... and the bumper... kissed many many many roads... cars... etc etc etc etc... changed like countless times... ^^

so why the change...
we all have to move on eventually...
no attachment in life is a good attachment.

so came last week's wednesday... (14/07)
but presenting W-Zhai only NOW,
(because i got him on Wednesday, and his surname is July... the J sounded like zhai... so hence W-Zhai)
haha. lame.
my ride for the next 6 years at least...

so hansem. ^^

haha. thanks jen, i will try to love the pink side of this... monkey... =.= haha.

... i have been spotting odd car plates... and i think that we can customize them now...
hatez. i would have wanted my prince word... urghs.
oh well... maybe the next car. hehe.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

till death do me apart

... i really really do miss you.

i hate it when i keep thinking about you.
that i sometimes lose focus with my life.

but i should just,
keep reminding myself.
that a ill person...
should not...

hope you had a absolutely great birthday today.

its your birthday

it's your birthday today.
i don't know,
if i should, sms you.
to wish you.
a blessed day, week, month, year, life ahead.


Monday, July 5, 2010

self destruction

i am, truly grateful,
for everything that god has blessed me with.

sometimes i think i am overly blessed.
sometimes even thou i know, it's not a lot...
but i know, i am fortunate enough,
more often than not, sometimes, more than others.

and for that, i remind myself, to be content.
and be grateful.

then, there's that sometimes,
when i see some people...
who went thru certain hardship...
trying, struggling...

i am sincerely amazed with their determination.
their effort...
but the moment they succeed...
... the moment they change...
i immediately see them self destruct.
and that is, a very very pitiful sight to endure.

i thank god, that i am not that kind of being.
and i hope that i will always stay near, the ground.

in life, no matter how high you go,
without support,
gravity will pull you down.

and the higher you go,
the worst your fall becomes,
when the support isn't so... stable.

learn to be content.
was one of the few things,
my dad reminded me,
taught me.

and for that, i am eternally grateful.
for such an invaluable insight of life.

because, greed is one of the easiest sin,
that would lead, to self destruction.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

new new new

the past few weeks been pretty, hectic.

new job.
demolition of pudu jail.
(nothing to do with me, but i am a very busybody)
went down to singapore.
and, my new car. ^^

so far, and i think i will naturally be loving my job.
thus, i have nothing to rant about.
am busy, and will be busier soon... =.=
don't know how much i will like it then...
my room is ready. ^^
so i actually went furniture hunting today.
but decided... ikea sucks. haha.

pudu jail. well... people might think it has been a waste of space.
but i honestly think that the government did yet another dumb thing.
to demolish it just to widen, build... a road...
ha. ha. ha. ha. ha.
it wouldn't help the already congested traffic.
fixing the public transport probably would instead.
to say it's been an eye sore,
well it's only because the government did not maintain it.

honestly without all these old buildings,
... let's just say i wouldn't go to egypt just to hear stories about the Pharaohs.
i would like to see the pyramids... not just the mountain of sands.
and already Malaysia's heritage is getting more and more diluted...
preserving one old building, is really an investment.
what they could have done was at least suggest to create a museum,
if they felt that preserving a jail wasn't their policy.
sigh. so silly.

then the following week,
i went down to singapore for a meeting. ^^
and sight seeing...
and a quick meet ups with friends.

this was my room, ^^
a decent, cute boutique hotel at tiong bharu.

the interior

the work "station"

the bathroom

if you don't pull the blinds, you will put on a free show. hehe.

i love the rain shower, and their shaving mirror!!!

it has a really cool light!

the chill out rooftop

the exterior, hotel wangz

service was good, except for the food. that was just... sad.
nonetheless, i felt a bit pampered.
yes, how can i not love my job, right? haha.

and when i got back to kl,
i was just thrilled,
because, the new car will be arriving... soon.
like next week. haha.
i wonder if i will like it... mmm.
i actually didn't test drive it at all... =.= haha.
anyways i already got the number plate,
1983, my birth year. haha. yes i am old. LOLZ.

i guess, this is one big step in growing up.
be a little more, independent. ^^

of cuz, those weren't the only happenings the entire month.
jevon and roman came down for a visit.
and we went museum visiting. haha.
was actually pretty impressed with the refurbishing.

did my last tv series for astro...
and well a lot more of other things too.

some i just don't really want to remember.
some i am just too lazy to write down.
but life is like that, apparently. hehe.
ups and downs moment.
that makes it balance.

so yups, a toast to a new beginning of a new life.
... yes the one where i actually have to work...
... be more disciplined with a daily routine.

... what? will i miss my old life.
mmm. well of cuz i will.
but everyone has to grow up eventually.
not like nobody misses their childhood life.