Thursday, November 12, 2009

time flies

it's been a crazy month.
with so much to do. so little time.

there's basically no internet in the place i am living at in ipoh.
but yes, i do have my blackberry. ^.^
just been too lazy to update anything much.

got back 2 nights ago for an emergency shoot here in kl.
basically leaving again for ipoh in the next few hours. hatez.

and i basically... wanna write out, that...
my heart sank, when i saw my grandmother, using a tongkat.
looking so weak...

i am worried. i am scared.
even tho i keep telling myself, it's only natural.
that people will go. they will leave, eventually.
and that i should be ever so grateful that, she is illness free.

but yet, i fear one day she will leave.

i just hope not any time soon.