Monday, December 1, 2008

does it matter

i see a lot of blogs out there, that is starting to loose interest.
either that or it would be some lame boring post.
so boring my ceiling looks way more interesting.

but quiet honestly i am feeling it too.
often time i don't know how to even write anymore.
i don't mean just a slight writer's block.

partially it's because all i want to blog are rather emo stuffs.
i feel that it's rather depressing to have them out here.

not that i am shy of having it read by people,
but more like, does it matter at all to what i have to say/write?

not just the emo stuff, i do have a lot in my head.
tho lately it's rather in a mess.

just like my room is in a mess,
my house is in a mess.
and my life itself is in a big huge mess.

but all these adding them all up together does it even matter to you?
it's my freaking life and i am no animal.
and this blog is no zoo or an aquarium.

perhaps like all trends in the past, is this the end of the 21st century blogging trend?
wonder what would be next, and what everyone the likes of bryan boy etc be doing then.

but one thing for sure, i have never once blog for anyone by myself.
it's just entertaining to read it later in life. if i ever manage to survive this brutal period.

1 comment:

Fable Frog said...

ya, we should write coz we want to, not because we need to or for other people. and sometimes reading back what we wrote like a year ago and we'll go like WTF~ "i wrote that?" wakaka it's just purely for our own entertainment. Like many things, it does come to an end.