Wednesday, December 17, 2008

just a kite, without a string attached.

i am looking at pictures.
of a lot of different pictures.
trying to place them,
organize them.


none of them feels warm to me.

i feel like a stranger.
looking at people i know.

some smiling, some laughing.
some posing. others just stoning.

some days, i don't know why i am here.
born into this world.

placed in this country.
doing what i am doing now.

today, this very moment is one of them.
i feel, so ever lonely and lost.

someone said,
he is like a string without a kite.
but i think i am a kite,
without a string.
floating in the air, with no guidances.


Glog said...

A kite symbolises freedom...
A string on a kite shows something that looks free yet is bound to the ground...

I magine a kite flying at it's highest but never actually flying to it's destination...
It is sad...

A stringless kite ain't that bad...

Spin Doctor said...

So emo..

dont so emo..

come, i have some tea bags at my place.

L:ets have some tea..

Perky said...

I feel that way once in a blue moon. Wondering what's my purpose and feeling so lonely eventhough I'm not alone.

It's times like these when I think about my priorities in life. It's good to have moments like these coz it serves as a reality check but one shouldn't ponder abt it too long as it might get too depressing after a while.

Btw, thanks for stopping by my blog! :)