Monday, February 8, 2010

silent nights

i really love the night.
it's so quiet, so peaceful.

oddly at times like this,
i don't feel so lonely but content...
in fact even blissful with life.

i probably hate people a lot.
else why would i like an empty street...

i used to love crowded places.
i used to go concerts, being there with the crowds.
now i can't even bare being in a pack dance floor.

i also find it tiring to meet new people.
it's always the same old thing.
it's getting to a point of a boring routine.
same old boring questions...
then... *insert birds flocking away image*
because at most times, it doesn't even go anywhere.

i so need to get away.
but i don't even know where to,
my heart is saying hk.
my mind is saying bkk.
my bank is saying stay on the bed...
my body is saying just live life a little...
my schedule is saying i soon might be busy busy busy...

how i drool for days to be like nights.
... and why am i always hungry at nights!!!