Monday, April 6, 2009

face off metaphor

this is one of my many overdue post.

our face is like a car.
regardless of what it is,
most things in life,
you will need to maintain it.

you have to send it for servicing regularly,
not just to maintain but also to preserve the condition.
and as i said the face is like a car.

some people will think that going thru botox is ridiculous,
just because you have to do it every few months once.
well the car goes thru the same ordeal.
you have to service it at lease every three months,
even if you don't use it.
so why shouldn't the face?

i used to dread the idea of plastic surgery, botox etc.
but now, they are my NEW toy.
not that i would go thru a knife or botox
to make myself more... presentable.
especially since there are many other options.
such as CO2 laser, chemical peel, etc.

those are mainly procedures to service/maintain/preserve the face.
making it more youthful, radiant, smooth.
and seriously it's better then facial!!!
most of these treatments you can do as much as you want.
and they don't have side effects. (like CO2!!!)
ok... some do... but low la.

plastic surgery however is like car modification.
and like car modification, it could be addictive.
once you are done with the nose job you want a boob job etc.
so you need a lot of money. i mean a lot of money.

as one of my friend's hair stylist once said,
you cannot afford not to not afford it.
you see at a stage you will tend to do some modification.
regardless how perfect it may seem to be.

and quoting my own words,
our face is like the car,
we need to service it.
maintain it. PRESERVE it.
the only differences.
if the car kantoi, you can still buy a new one,
the face kantoi... means KANTOI!!!

but as long as you know how to control yourself,
plastic surgery or chemical treatment or laser,
as long as it works, JUST GET IT THEN!!!
just don't over do it... HAHA.

this is not much of a promotional post but rather an awareness post.
^.^ cheers to the modern vain world of spending and luxury of beauty.

well yes, only the rich can afford this lifestyle...
and the term aging gracefully... i guess it no longer exist. -.-
oh well so if you can't beat them join them!!!
just hopefully i will never resort to botox.
but well never say NEVER~

this all started with my keloid treatment... and now i swear by CO2.
actually for details... MSG ME! LOLS!!! :P
but... erm it's so not cheap loh.


V said...

we will inject botox ourselves if the time is suitable...

btw, wat is CO2?? we never heard of such treatment; but we would love to try ozone treatment or oxygen therapy~

Little Prince said...

i don't know about botox... yet... HAHA. hopefully i wouldn't.
CO2 is go visit. haha.

savante said...

OMG! Let's go for a facial together!

Jason said...

omg! did you just sign yourself up for another treatment!?

but i do agree.. should opt for some plastic surgery! oh money tree money tree when you gonna give me some money!?