Saturday, April 4, 2009

so then, let it be. and it shall be.

i really really really don't know,
if that decision i made weeks ago was the right one.

sighs. LE SIGHS.

but i guess it's for the best.

tho every time i see or be near... gosh.
it just sucks.
but it's for the best.

i'll just have to make do with this arrangement.
and be really content and HAPPY with it.

let it be written as it is said.
let it be done, as it is written.


V said...

when u have chosen a path....try not to look back; look forward instead and make it happen!! :)

MrBunnyBan said...

Agree with Queen B here. If you know it's for the best, take the best!

But if it's possible to grab more somehow... ;)

joshua said...

Yup, make the most of it!!!

We trust you to be able to emerge gloriously!