Tuesday, January 13, 2009


in the past few days,
i've been walking around the malls.

mostly for work related stuffs.
occasionally for my own personal interest.
then again even the work related stuffs seems like it's to my personal interest,
since i selected them because i LIKE them.

i know i shouldn't be shopping.
but i can't help it.

bought like a few new jeans, a pointless bowtie.
some tops. some shorts.
some jackets. some ties. *i so do not wear tie*
am thinking of that TAG watch. and a shoe.
bought a new pendant, super cool a crown, a cross and skull together!!!
*this i made my grandmother pay for it LOLS, without her knowing... yet*

mmm hunting down pineapple tart for the little brother,
apparently the lavender bakery in pavilion is superb.
but i have no time to go back there for now. ish~
also need love letters and other nonsense.

it feels like, after so long, i am like happy.
i guess shopping till a certain RMXK does makes you HAPPY.
rather it HAS to make you happy.

know wonder the intern... who is from a super rich family...
can actually spend RM56K in two days... yes... RM56K... -.-

gosh. i learn from my juniors. LOLS.


so anyways, since i've been loitering around the mall so often,
i have to say, none of them are making me feel the festival.
CNY or not... it feels, normal.

and i do wonder why. economy that bad?

i honestly doubt it. and here is the question, i know the lehman brothers went bankrupt.
the minute it went bankrupt i heard about it.
i didn't read much about it, because i was on a film set.
but i heard stories from my HK friends.

they are some financial company. so i would assume they deal with money?
trade money etc...
what i do not understand is, HOW DID THEY GO BANKRUPT?
and where did the money all go to?
i mean someone must have made a MAJOR loan...
or a lot of dumb cooperates loaned a lot of money...
or they did really stupid investments?

but surely the money has to go somewhere... they are not trading live stocks here...
it's... money... right? it has to flow somewhere else... right???

did they like spend/invest on some stupid chicken and they died?
... i don't get it... how can trading money make you bankrupt so badly,
that it effects the entire world.

dang i must remember to ask TJ about this... doesn't make sense now.

anyways am working with sawteonghin, director of that famous mountain princess.
*dun dare to put full obvious name here later they goggle and fine ME!* STRESS~~~

he's OK~ to work with. ain't as scary as i expected.
*fingers cross, hope tomorrow is really OK!!!*
he keeps saying... "YOU KNOW? YOU KNOW???... you know~~~???


Glog said...

RM 52K?
as in RM 52,000.00
Thats like more than any shoppping i have done in my entire life...

^^WiLLY LaM^^ said...

your friend is my idol... spend 56k in two days time LOL

Little Prince said...

i KNOW. amazing right?
her black amex's limit is RM500k.
i got shocked when she told me that. siow that women, but daddy's money ma. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

William said...

Reply "I dunno, I dunno, I DUNNO".

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! I found ur blog!!!! :D