Monday, August 10, 2009


late last month i had an accident,
one that was pretty bad.
so bad that i know it's going to be so fun dealing with.

i have probably the most accidents in my family,
i remember the first thing i knocked after i got my L,
was a tree. yes, as simple as me reversing and BANG.
my dad laughed when he heard about it... >.<
my friend who saw the whole thing was just, puzzled.
i was just... speechless. HAHAHA.

then it was with a bus, a volvo. a van,
yes. nothing small. just BIG items.

so with all those incidents,
you can call me the expert.

i know when it's my fault and when i am INNOCENT.

thank god this few years,
i have been INNOCENT. ^.^

so this was what sorta happened...


as long as you are on the main road, in a T-junction, any other vehicles coming out from the side roads are suppose to wait, be patient, look right then left once the main road is clear, only then they are safe to move. else, they are at fault.

the pesalah however argued that he was half way out and i should stop instead.
well i tried to stop la, but the real road started with a curve then an immediate T-junction,
so with my velocity it wasn't exactly possible to just STOP even if i break hard... DUHZ.

it was a tideous moment after that,
no point arguing.
we decided to just do a report and see who is at fault.

everything was actually fast.
although i wanted to kill Hafiz, the traffic officer.
damn slow. damn... annoying.
i wrote everything down on the report but he kept asking me those same questions...
like... HELLO READ LA!!!
at one point my face turned PISSY,
but urghs, so annoying have to look cute,
so i wouldn't be given a GUILTY judgement... =.=#

*sergeant laila, after investigating the incident, proven him guilty! YAYS!*

this was actually my first time doing a police report for accidents.
all the other "incidents" was settled there and then.
because i know i was at fault or the other person knew it was his/hers,
and would rather just pay it off there and then.

so i learnt a lot.

now if you had an accident and you plan to do a police report.
and your car is badly damaged, but still possible to drive/move,
while you are slightly shaken by the incident,
call a tow car. especially when you know you are INNOCENT.
because you can claim all those expenses from the pesalah!!!

the reason is if you drove, and you *touch wood*
happen to meet with another accident, the first accident's claim is void.
>.< how horror. like who is going to pay for all those damage now!!!
tsk tsk tsk. so it's your rights to get a tow car. and enjoy the ride.

when the accident happened,
OMG the pesalah came out yelling...
i was calm. ^.^
so used to it already ma. lols.
since he was erm... an indian bigger.
i am not being a racist here, just had bad bad BAD experience with indian drivers!!!
i had to yell back la. i didn't wanna get bullied. lols.
but he managed to calm down after that.
because i saw a rosary in his car, so i told him, if he gotten violent, he will see god very soon

*the by standers were like... aiyoh ah boy you shouldn't yell at him!!! later he whack you ah!!!*

there's a reason why it's called an accident,
because nobody wanted it to happen,
else it would have been called intentioned,
so please, when it happens, don't shout,
it doesn't help. and always kill people with politeness and kindness instead.
erm just don't be silly and get bullied instead la. lols.

*freaky thing is, both of us are born on 11.03, and the accident happened at 11.03am!!!*
*i learnt that proffan and ivan also had an accident past few days ago... >.< omg horror!*
*on my way back just now from bowling, my car skidded like mad on the highway... HORROR!!! thank god i am safe!*


Fable Frog said...

OMG! dangerous! and i was in your car when we go Serendah! *GASP!* LOL kay lah~ like you said, no one wanted accident kan~ :P

Janvier said...

Oh goodness you got knocked by Bumblebee!

Little Prince said...

frog: next time... u hop!

janvier: no la... bumblebee got bang. >.< sighs.

William said...

Those look like vintage toys!