Sunday, September 6, 2009

like a virgin

just got back from a long exhausting day.
had a quick catch up with the little brother.
went for a PT movie screening, with his friend.

was nothing fabulous. a light comedy.
like a virgin, a korean movie,
about a boy who is very much a girl,
a little girl trapped in a boy's body.

seeing it's PT and the movie was about transexuals,
they had 4 guest there.
to talk about their hardship in life, and transexual confusion etc.
how public perceptions was like towards them etc.
was really really interesting, since i don't know that many of them.
only 1 or 2... and it would be rude and awkward to questions them...

they talked about every possible scenarios etc,
and they talked about boys being in denial with themselves.

made me wonder if i ever wanted to be a girl... am i in denial?
and then i looked at my penis and decided, I LOVE MY DICK! ^.^